Measuring Progress

How do I measure progress on ReadTheory

Josh Capon
Written by Josh CaponLast update 5 months ago

We recommend allowing students to initially use the program for several sessions in order to establish a firm baseline for data. While our pretest gives our program a place to start, it is not a thorough diagnostic (it is only 8 questions long). 

After you’ve established a baseline of your students’ level by looking at their initial work within the program, you can set and apply date fields periodically to view whether a student is making progress with regard to the average grade level and Lexile® of the texts they’re working on. Additionally, you can view the areas of relative strength and weakness by looking at the “Mastery of Common Core Standards” section of a student’s individual progress report. This can help inform your classroom decisions and remediation plans.


Note: We do NOT recommend using only raw quiz scores to influence students' overall grades. We do not provide averages of students' correct answers on all quizzes. This would mix percentages from across multiple grade levels. For instance, if a student scores 90% on a grade 5 quiz, s/he will then be leveled up and presented with a grade 6 quiz. On that grade 6 quiz, she may then only score a 70%. This yields an average score of 80%, but this does NOT reflect the increased difficulty of the higher-level quiz. That average is unweighted for difficulty and only a student reading at the university level could maintain an average over 90% on our quizzes.

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