How to Print Usernames & Passwords

How do I export or print a list of my students' usernames and passwords?

Josh Capon
Written by Josh CaponLast update 5 months ago

Our system automatically sends teachers a copy of student usernames and passwords to their email address on file after they create new student accounts. Teachers will also receive new login cards whenever they reset a student's password from within their teacher account. Please search your inbox for an email from If you do not initially see the email, please make sure to check your spam & promotions folders.

Please note that you will not have received an email from us if your students created their own accounts and then linked them to you.

A copy of our blank log-in card template can be found here if you have any issues.

Please contact support if you do not receive the email with your login cards at

Please note that our support staff can provide you with a copy of your login cards only if they have been recently generated from your account. As passwords are not stored on our site for security purposes, the support staff will not have access to any previous login cards you may have generated.

In order to have new log-in cards generated, you'll need to reset your student(s) password(s).

On the "My Students" page in your teacher account, please check the box next to the student whose password you wish to reset. Then click "Reset Password." From there you will be able to set and apply a new password for your selected student. A new set of cards will be emailed to you as soon as you click "submit."

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