Archiving Old Accounts and Setting Up New Accounts

Learn how to remove old students from your account and set up new student accounts.

Sean M
Written by Sean MLast update 4 months ago

Cleaning Up Old Accounts

We do not currently have a way to officially archive classes. If you would like to continue to have access to the class, you can re-title the class, "2021-2022" but the students' accounts will still appear on the "My Students" page in your teacher account.

If you would like to fully remove an old class from your account, please navigate to your "My Classes" page and select the class list you wish to view. Click the check box on the top left side of the screen to select all of the students on your class list. Then select the "Remove from Class" option that will pop up at the top of the page.

The students will then reappear at the top of your "My Classes" page showing students waiting to be assigned to a class. Select "Review Requests", click the check box at the top-left of the screen to select all pending students then choose "Reject". If you do not wish to reject all pending students, you can go through the student list one at a time or select the check box next to the applicable students. Rejecting the students will sever your connection with this student and they will no longer appear on your account.

Please note that removing a student from your class will not fully delete their account, it will only remove your connection from the student. If you would like to have an account fully purged from our system, please let us know and our support staff can assist you with this.

After you have removed the students from the class, you will be left with an empty class. You can leave the class as is if you would like to reuse it. You can also select the 3 dots next to the class name on your "My Classes" page to either rename the class or delete the class.

Setting Up New Accounts

You can check out our guide video on setting up your classes here.

There are a number of ways to create student accounts in our system, including a classcode option. If you are a google school, the fastest way will be option 3 listed below. Otherwise, option 2 is very fast. Option 4 is the best to ensure that nothing goes wrong. It's up to you!

If a student's username or email comes up as "taken" in our system, the student likely previously had a ReadTheory account. We recommend simply using alternative information for those students. Email is always optional when setting up standard student accounts.

1. You can input the information yourself. The benefit of this is that our system will send you pre-filled log-in cards for your students and you'll have them as an easy record of usernames and passwords. If you make the students' usernames and emails both match their gmail address, they'll be able to use google sign-in. Navigate to this page to be walked through the whole process:

2. Students can create their own accounts. On the "Sign Up" page, there will be spot for them to enter a class code. Your class code for each class can be found on the "My Classes" page in your teacher account. You'll need to create a class title in order to see a class code.

Entering that code will connect them to your account and sort them into that class. They can do this when creating the account or from the "My Teachers" page in their account.

3. Students can create their own accounts using "Sign Up With Google". They'll then be able to log in using their existing username and password form their google/student ID account. In this scenario, students will connect to you once they've logged in. They will need to navigate to the "My Teachers" page (located in the drop-down menu on the top-right of their screen) and enter their full name and then your email address (the one linked to your teacher account) or the classcode.

4.) Download and input your students' information on this .csv form. You can then upload the .csv yourself by selecting the class you have created and choosing "Add Students" . Import via .csv will be an option in the top right. If you run into issues, we'll create the accounts on your behalf as soon as you email the .csv back to us at You can also check out our .CSV Import Guide video.

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