How to Edit a Name, Username, or Email Address

How to edit my or my student's full name, username, or email address on site.

Ron K
Written by Ron KLast update 4 months ago

If you accidentally made a mistake when entering a student's name, email address, or username, the student has the ability to fix this themselves.

Users can always edit the real name, username, or email address we have on file for them by logging into their accounts and navigating to their "Account Settings", located in the drop-down menu on the top-right-hand side of their screen.

Teachers cannot edit this information on their students' behalves from within their teacher accounts, but all users can do this for themselves. That said, if you know your students' current usernames and passwords, you can log in as them and make any needed changes for them.

Additionally, our support staff can assist with any changes. Please contact if you would like any assistance in changing this information.

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